Pekers opened for business May 25, 2007 after longtime bartenders Ron and Frank decided to keep the tradition going. Ron and Frank worked at Phases Bar and also Jerry’s Side 2 Bar before that. They decided that they had too much time invested in that place to walk away from it. So the party continues.
Phases Bar opened for business December 27, 2005. There is, however, a great history. Phases was originally "Jerry's Side 2 Bar", an incarnation of a business with over 14 years of service to the Dallas Gay and Lesbian community. The owner of Side 2, Jerry Smith, (fondly referred to as the "Old Goat") started in Dallas with J's Bar & Deli, followed by the Pirate's Pub, both of which were on Cedar Springs (the main Gay area of Dallas).
The original Side 2 opened between The Wok and Hunky's on Cedar Springs. Since it was officially a part of The Wok, it did not have a separate external sign and the only evidence that there was a bar was a neon "Open" sign hanging in the window. Those that knew of it's existence often referred to it as the "Open Bar".
The bar was moved to our current location in October 1998. Later, in 2005 due to poor health, Jerry sold the bar to the Phases Bar owner Dale Alexander with the provision that he remain as Business Manager and Consultant. With his extensive experience and background he was instrumental in the changes and new direction of Phases. Jerry passed away in February of 2006. After that, Dale Alexander passed away in a tragic accident in December 2006. With Dale’s passing, the Phases Bar subsequently closed April 1, 2007.
With the change in ownership the bar was renamed Pekers and completely renovated and updated. The direction of Pekers is to remain the friendly neighborhood bar that both Jerry's Side 2, and Phases Bar were for so many years, and to occasionally offer entertainment with various performers and karaoke from time to time. So come on down and join the party, “Wouldn’t you like to be a Peker too?”.
We at Pekers intend to do everything in our power to be of service to our customers and make this a place you look forward to visiting, as well as somewhere you can be comfortable to invite your friends, family and professional associates, whether straight or gay, male or female.
Pekers owners - Frank & Ron

We would like to thank everyone who has come out and supported us.
We appreciate your business and your friendship!
Come visit us soon.